Beet Arthur

When you feel hopeless, remind yourself that the Mueller investigation is running on legal time, not political time. John Meacham was on msnbc the other day with this consolatory fact.... he said to think of it in more “geological clock” terms. An investigation doesn’t hold with the political schedule of constant

Am I the only one who really liked the wedding dress? It was clean, modern, no freaking lace in sight, looked gorgeous to the touch, and appropriate for the occasion without being stodgy. Yeah, the night-time reception dress is cooler in all ways, and I’d rather wear it if I had a zillion dollars and a fancy party to

Mueller right now is a bit like GRR Martin- stuck on trying to figure out a way through an endless array of plot twists and unable to finish anything

It’s a lovely thought, having a day dedicated to mothers. But it only makes me feel guilty for not feeling how I should, I suppose, towards my mother. I see everyone getting their mom gifts and making sweet FB posts and I just... Can’t do that with the way things are right now. Not in good conscience. And unless a

It has been fascinating watching people invent reasons to blame people other than Harvey Weinstein for Harvey Weinstein. Like downright stunning.

I think its also important to remember that lots of sociopaths and predators are *absolutely great* at presenting two different versions of themselves and lying very convincingly about things for ages.

I almost gave up scrolling through the comments and then I came to you, dear Beet.

and then let’s ALSO punish any woman who chooses to wear clothing designed by a woman who didn’t assault anyone but was affiliated with the guy who did.


It’s always the woman’s fault for “allowing” him to do it, as we all know. Controlling our own behavior isn’t enough.

Valid reason to wear something: “Because I liked it.”

Yes, I’m sorry, I looked at the phone in a haze, muttered, “What in the hell?” and went back to sleep. I should probably edit to make that clearer.

Yeah my kid was big into the unboxing videos as well, but thankfully has moved on to more uplifting fare that involves guys getting hit in the balls.

I read the article and I honestly don’t want to think too much about what level of awful parenting fuckery it represented so I instead chose to focus on this. Maybe it woke her up on the last ring?

Obviously, they hated Stephen Colbert back in the day too. That said, do you think the set would have been perceived differently if it was a man telling the jokes? Is she being dinged for not playing nice, like a good girl should?

With you on the no-footrest stool, and for the record I’m a dude and hate that no hooks lameness also.

I spent nearly half a year homeless and two of the first things to go are a sense of pride and community. The article above even states that by being in this troop and having this sale that these girls feel less isolated.

I have Bipolar II, and I didn’t find the comment unreasonable. It takes a lot of time and effort to achieve and maintain any semblance of stability. When my partner and I first got together, he would get annoyed when I would talk about therapy or my meds (military family; they don’t talk about those things). I finally

I hear you. I myself am Bipolar II (among other diagnoses), and my ex-husband also had several mental health issues that led to the end of our marriage. I worked my ass off for years—therapy (individual and group); medication; several iterations of self-care; writing—you name it, I’ve tried it. As I got better, I

I haven’t dated in over a decade, Not really open to meds, but in treatment. Never was big on pharms, but talk to a therapist weekly, as I’m sure I was a pain in the ass when I was dating, and I can’t seem to hold a job long term.