
What?... they're not going to fix it, because it's not even an issue. Learn to play the game without fixed camera. If you feel as though you have to worry about the other team having a meaningless visual advantage, then you should be interested in getting better at the game. Learning to play without fixed camera will

5 star post. It could have been good, but it wasn't. In all fairness, it's only popular because of all the references they made, and the guy jumping around on screen from an audience who doesn't know the first thing about a decent rap song. Then you have the fact that you're not even left with anything to laugh at,


Oh look. a video that should have way more views that the smosh one.

You certainly sound like you can't take criticism too well. Not a good trait to have, especially if you plan to... get better at what you do — Considering that your other videos aren't even half as bad as most of the smut on YouTube. I watch you guys occasionally, because you do have a decent sense of comedy. However,

Either a decent troll, or completely underaged.

haha, well said. Not sure why people feel the need to be a seemingly "moral" figure to the point of absurdity in all logic.

I don't think you realize what "fair game" means, to be frank.

That analogy just doesn't work at all — Simply because a foot race is a competition, with laid out rules, and a real life scenario where people have free will, thus rules are a necessity. A damn video game has limits on what you can do, and your "free will" is confined to whatever is allowed to you — and it sure as

I play both versions, and I'd have to agree. In fact, I'd say the PC players are generally better — even without parties.

Pretty annoying that it took me close to 5 minutes trying to load the article, because this huge flash ad wouldn't stop blocking that damn thing.

Oh no.. Not 3d..

I Guess you can say, this game is over in a FLASH.

After looking at the video, I only heard what I hear all the time.

I guess you can say that 400 ms points for this character is indeed a FLAT rate.

I don't find anything interesting about this video. The song is just terrible.

Gears of War, or God of War?

That's strange.