
One man’s terrorist is another man’s freedom fighter. If the people storming the Capitol had been fighting for universal healthcare and a living wage, we’d be cheering those folks on.

I just wonder how an easy mode hurts anyone who doesn’t want to use it. Hard mode doesn’t change just because an easy mode exists. You can still play a game how you want. The only thing a game designer does by refusing to give easier gameplay options is decrease their company’s profitability, and reduce their chances

“Buttigieg also said he rooted for Daenerys...

Says the guy who’s preaching HIS religion and calling science “religion”. People like you are worse than traitors. Traitors betray their country. You are betraying the species, and for what?

In my view, the German show “Deutschland ‘83" does a better job of portraying the real feelings and motivations of the Soviets in the 1980s, as well as the bumbling nature of spies on both sides.

The Soviet Union in 1980 was not the same as it was during the great purges of the 1930s. To suggest it was is just as disingenuous as suggesting that the USA in 1980 was the same as it was in the 1870s, when the US committed genocide on a scale that makes Stalin’s purges look tame. Between the Soviet Union and the

“ you actually want the GOP to keep winning? Stop this ridiculous infighting, it’s why we lost in 2016.”

She’s still sporting those ridiculous forehead worms. One would think someone would have clued her in by now, but apparently not.

“Nobody, except the actual Nazis themselves, is arguing against the idea that “Nazis are bad.”
Erm... some people are actually nazis, and they are quite vocal, so that means that some people do argue against the idea that nazis are bad. Ergo, it is controversial. So it’s not a straw man.

Or zombies, or vampires?

Something I can never get over with FPS games is that death is final. If he gets killed once, his rebellion is over. End of story. I can ignore that once, twice, maybe even ten times during a game. But when you’re dying multiple times every mission, it just gets silly. At what point do you say, “Okay, I’m fricken

The Bayek and Aya relationship was done well, but I think Ubisoft did the whole “I have a higher responsibility and it’s going to kill our relationship” thing much better with Ezio and Cristina Vespucci.

Yeah. It’s fricken ridiculous. I’ve twice (that I know of) had this happen to me - the latest this week. Last time, for some reason the package was sent from Michigan to California, then to Maryland. It took a 5,000 mile detour.

“...the show isn’t “any sort of feminist propaganda. I think it’s a story about women and about humans.” She added, “You see [in the pilot], the three people [publicly] hanged on the wall were all men. This story affects all people.”

Sean Murray always said that players shouldn’t go into the game expecting to meet other players. He said it time after time after time, but multiplayer fans refused to believe him. Now you’re all focusing on the one time he didn’t stick to the message (probably because he really wanted to give you folks what you want

Instead of raising the difficulty level, try using only the wolf. This is how real stone age people hunted anyway, so it’s far more realistic than riding a cave bear or a saber toothed cat into battle.