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Wait, Horror At Party Beach had a budget? I wonder how much of that was allocated for hot dogs and sodium....SODIUM!

You should see him shoot - nothing but nyet.

Kroenke is the booty call Los Angeles forgot it drunk-texted...LA will end up passing out after its threesome with Davis and Spanos, while Kroenke frantically texts from outside LA’s apartment, ultimately giving up and walking home in the rain and back to his boring girlfriend that he was hoping to cheat on.

I conquer, and I super cereal hope you’re right. But as with a lot of things, I’ve learned that I’m likely in the minority report. Most people don’t have a high school degree; though I feel like a temporarily inconvenienced millionaire, my household income puts me well west of the equator income even for my county of

“Very sad about Johnny Football. Now let’s cut to the Gronk cam!”

The hottest of takes.

Well I, for one, am looking forward to this. AT&T made it a condition that the contract for NFL Sunday Ticket conveyed with the merger. I’m on U-Verse, and I can’t wait for NFL Sunday Ticket.

It’s not like anyone at Deadspin/Gawker cares to vet or check stories before they publish. They apparently don’t even proof read their headlines.

It’s worth mentioning... the AT&T rooftops (where this interview is taking place) are all-inclusive. You can start drinking for free 2 hours before the game.

I beg to differ. The Man From Earth may not take (much) of the romance angle, but the low budget, single set movie is a better film in my opinion. It’s true you have to love dialogue, but it’s such a wonderful conversation to have, I enjoy rewatching it every now and then just to reexplore the ideas in it. Parts of it

I thought we all agreed it was Don Draper?

Living in St. Louis, my entire life, this doesn't surprise me in the slightest. The people from where Street is from haven't progressed socially since the 1800s. It's embarassing.

You wanna have some fun, read the comments section on that STLtoday story (or any STLtoday story, really). It makes YouTube comments seem like the fucking Algonquin Round Table.

This is so shitty, man. As a guy who grew up and lived in St. Louis for 22 or so years, I just can't believe this. Not in the sense that I am calling BS on the story, but in the sense that I really am proud of where I grew up and I wish like hell shit like this didn't happen. I do not give a flying fuck about the

A cryin' frickin' shame. Ford is a gentleman and a class act. Nobody deserves this, but he especially doesn't.

Great, now I have to Google her boobs.

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Steven Wright: best use of 49 seconds: Relevant at the 20 second mark.

Board games? nope, I had a radio that turned into this "Man from Uncle" gun

I was scared shitless by The Blair Witch Project because I hadn't caught on that the hype was just marketing. I was wiser by many levels upon leaving the theater that day.