
I've decided to dress up as the League Office.

Delusional, really? Could a person suffering from delusions carefully shade in a huge, perfectly identical, "TMZ" logo on each page?

Stone Cold Steve Austin thinks you're dumb.

"SHUT UP, PUSSY! WE CHUG, AND IT'S BADASS!"—hypercompetitive softball guy.

I always knew Floyd Mayweather beat women.

It's a complete popcorn/troll movie, and everyone involved knew it from the beginning. If anyone in 1984 was serious about making a film depicting the Warsaw Pact as a terrifying monster, they would have smuggled a camera into East Germany.

I'm going to stick around in this comment thread, which is sure to be a rational and productive discussion that—

Yao: Welcome to the Shanghai Sharks.

Every time I see the 1927 Detroit Tigers logo I chuckle. It looks like the tiger just sat down in a dentists' chair.


Minus the alleged assault, this is basically every meal with my family.

This is what I'm talking about: "America is racist as hell" is not a defense against specific instances of racism.

I'm a 40-year old white guy, and the only songs I recognize at sports arenas are the rap ones.

Too much stupidity/negativity over the past couple weeks. Tomorrow should be dedicated to chill ass animal posts only.

If I wanted shit on my chest, I'd go to Cleveland.

1. Troll Albert Burneko with Skyline Chili T-Shirt

I am a Cincinnatian and I will defend Skyline Chili until the end. In fact I just had it last nigh....I'll be right back I shit my pants.

God dammit. I thought this was an 8 ball.