
Dad takes daughter to NBA game, courtside seats. He doesn't take his buddies, doesn't take a business associate, doesn't take trophy wife or hooker. He takes his daughter. Then reacts appropriately to protect her. A dad who thinks of his daughter first. Lucky girl.

One week later in the parking lot outside Disney World.

"I hate Dis-knee World."
-Derrick Rose

[Goes out to car, puts key in ignition, turns on heater because it's cold, checks mirrors before backing out of driveway. Stops. gets out to see if door was locked. door is locked, walks back to car, waves to Loraine even though she is a gossipy witch, gets in car AGAIN and drives

I enjoy commenting on Deadspin because every time I think I have gone immediately to the lowest common denominator, three burners come in and immediately get even more useless and stupid than I.

The apple fell far from the tree.

On the other side of her body, this same woman has a "V" tattooed in the same location.

RG Traded for a 3rd round draft pick in 2016? *pulls hammy stretching that joke, out 6-8 weeks.

RG 3rd string

Football: Is punted

There's times that I've sat at my computer looking at something, going through websites befoer, and sittin' there going, 'Wait, where am I? Who is this guy?'

This is terribly. No reputable journalism source should have a front page article with a heading that basically reads JAMEIS WINSTON RAPED A WOMAN, especially after the justice department has declined to prosecute the case. Maybe he is innocent, maybe he is guilty, but innocent until proven guilty used to be a real

Havent played football in a while, but I do recall being able to make tackles that weren't hitting someone in the head or spearing them in the kneecaps.

I can't even joke about this. That's someone's daughter up there. I think.

Good thing people can't get cable in repurposed refrigerator boxes or else somebody might have seen this.

I like his use of the Instagram polarizing filter.

Not the first time the Mexicans smoked out the San Antonians.

Security cameras picked up footage of these two men leaving the scene.

"Pants and Tits" is also the nickname the tabloids gave to Ellen Degeneres and Portia de Rossi.

Who are you talking to?

Terrible request. Once you have the tits you no longer want to wear pants