
What about the AAC. Teams who have left a good conference such as the Big East and got stuck in this shithole have suffered. Ask the University of Cincinnati.

The NFL must use the same jagaloons who work for/in the White House.


I am a Cincinnatian and I will defend Skyline Chili until the end. In fact I just had it last nigh....I'll be right back I shit my pants.

I like that Weiner works out in cargo shorts- I had him pinned as a spandex/ bike short kinda guy.

Can we wipe this area of the map out and start over?

It's nice to see he utilized his LA Fitness membership for his video. Very Trill.

A reading from the book of Austin....

In all fairness to the Cubs, Tanaka is pitching against the Cubs.

Soccer isn't cool.

Soccer isn't cool.

I would rather listen to diarrhea for 4 minutes.

Who shit in your shredded wheat?

....and in come the Bengals.....

Dear Drew,

I'm blaming Zivo for the botched make-up job. Used way too much foundation.

I guess Elmer Fudd is from Arkansas- that explains the stutter.

They should change the rule so that a team can still kick from the 2 yard line, however it must be done by their mascot (in full costume).

This note seems to be some kind of complex dick joke.

I cannot stress enough how much this needs to stop.