Eh, I hear you, but they mostly did it to themselves, no? The whole thing about that style of communism being a dead end all on its own? Maybe he hastened things a year or so?
Eh, I hear you, but they mostly did it to themselves, no? The whole thing about that style of communism being a dead end all on its own? Maybe he hastened things a year or so?
Waaaaitaminute. It’s not “Twit-in-Chief”?
Not bad.
No, it was definitely dirty, not a mistake, and not minor. It wiped out the Samurai in the US, ffs. If your research led to the conclusion that it was a little misstep, that’s the Internet and time rewriting the narrative, as happens. I’m sure the youtube video is till out there.
They lost me decades ago with the Samurai fiasco.
Time for my once or twice a year PSA:
Getting the lefty-loosey righty-tighty thing backwards when removing brake caliper bolts mounted from the back side is super fun, and a gift that keeps giving.
Apparently, it’s a good idea to drain the transfer case before pulling the driveshaft.
This isn't going well.
Been trying to make that stick.
You see “boring”, I see “clean” (aftermarket miscellany pictured notwithstanding..).
I’m sure it’s just me, but.... meh.
Oh Brother, where art thou.
We’re you there? That was one damned practical vehicle. With a couple little issues, sure. One or two. "Little" ones..
You were one X-11 short.
You done good.
I’m cold.