
...though the... 

I was probably pushing the envelope on the tire recommended pressure, but that’s fine on the track...”

When using a breaker bar on brake caliper bolts that install from the back side, lefty-loosey becomes righty-tighty... 

Want he already dead by the time he won? 

Manuel who? 

Would you, though? If that tailgate simply lowers to level, looks like both would still be unblocked, albeit shining from under an overhang, no?

Yet I’m the one who’s still grayed.

I had to read the last bit again. 

Clicking is so very exhausting, isn’t it.

The last time I needed something like this, it was because my idiot brain failed to process the fact that brake caliper bolts entering from the backside switch to righty-loosey...

My feet could certainly do with some pleasing.

So, soooo meta.

There’s gotta be a Lord of the ‘Ring joke in here somewhere.

Oh boy. I have two favorites.

Eh, they do what they’ve gotta do.  If it takes crappy titles to keep the good content coming, so be it. I’ve done worse for less..

Crap.  Posted this before noticing you’d already done the dirty work.

Halfway there:

‘shop that onto the back of a pickup and be a hero.  It’s hilarious in my head.


Well, I’ll be damned. Neither I nor any of the people I’ve inadvertently freaked out over the past several years have ever made that connection/observation, but .... Verified.