This is new to me. How in the world is this new to me.
So starred. So, so, soooo starred.
“Shit’s Good”™
You are SO weird!
Demand a raise, Torch.
I’m exceedinly jealous of your “rainbows and puppies” worldview.
“‘frunk’, as the kids are calling it (do we really have to call it that?)“
Fake news!
Does that fall under collision, or comprehensive?
Not to take anything away, let’s reconsider this phrasing:
How in the world this is such a spectacularly feel-good story escapes me, but... ...there it is.
Glad I scrolled before posting, for a change.
No,WE can’t weld rust.
Yep, that’s where I put the camera when I’m keeping an eye on my house alright.
Yep, that’s where I put the camera when I’m keeping an eye on my house alright.
Welding rust together *is* a super power.
“Unlike what most people think, the name does not come from the Civil War Union General Elevah Fough-Tate,...”
I sooo want to write a comment on this article as her, but I’ve just got too damned much work to do today.
I used to hope it’ll be a Cadillac for Cadillac reasons, and because Corvettes are front-engined, rear-driven.