
But oh my god, were they ever boring in concert. The sound was perfect, like wearing headphones and listening to the (still newfangled...) CD, but damn. NO stage presence. The only movement up there was Hawkes shifting weight from one leg to another behind the keyboard. And when nobody in the audience was compelled to

You had to expect something like this was coming..

That’s really cool and all, but...

That’s some kinda’ uncanny.

Little-known fact, he went on to found a very successful chain of pizza joints.


I dunno, man. Where is Enterprise on this list? Their initial buying power is so strong that they basically sell their used rentals/leases for what they bought them for.

Looks like some hooligan smashed your tire and rim with a curb or a hobo or something.

Someone should tell him he’s being followed...

I *did* drive the wheels off one of those. With a stick. Loved it.

Nothing wrong with almost!

CR/CU/whatever they’re going by these days have been all but dead to me since the Suzuki Samurai hatchet job.

Huh. Kinda cool.

The sheer amount of movement from the person “in” the sidecar is almost hard to believe,...

What a time to be alive.


“Yo Dawg,”...

I seem to recall the Grand Am being the juggalo thing.


I needed this comment section today.