
I think a segment where Ben Roethlisberger does poetry readings would be a big hit.

You have no idea how much I *hate* to have been the one to bring you this news.

So....there's no firm line a bell... between lunch and recess? It's not first 20 minutes = eat, THEN the recess doors open?

Maybe it just doesn't have anything to say.

Exercise immediately following eating as being a bad thing has been debunked. You can even go swimming. The concern has gone the way of Planet Pluto and the brontosaurus.. sigh.

Ouch. Ouch, ouch, ouch.

Eat then immediately go outside and run is also not a healthy lesson.

TOTALLY the wrong Bond car, but nice effort all around anyway.

Pretty sure it's a falcon, dude.

Yeah, but this wouldn't be some beat cop making the call. This would be the asshole, perhaps today, perhaps in 4 years, going to the prosecutor and pressing charges.

He already had witnesses that saw that. Best option for his ego at this point is to be the unaccountable, innocent victim.

See, this is why this post's headline was so incredibly lame.

Looks like the Statute of Limitations on simple assault in MA is..... 6 years?

Blah, blah, blah indeed. All I got was they said something, something about some foreign place, something about desert nights and lipstick on what's her face, something, something about some gay Iranian guys... Yeah, something about J-Lo.... UANI...

Pretty sure that's a falcon.


The only argument from me supporting the "gangland" stipulation in this case would be that it was, in fact, a gang-related incident. It wouldn't have gotten me, personally, up out of my chair like this. Otherwise, I'm with you on that count.

My "quibble", o superior one, is that she *said* the traditional requirements of manhood include rape. You're clearly interpreting it how you see fit, which is fine. For you. It is, however, a bullshit statement as phrased.

Ouch. I feel for her. It's like being Barry Larkin in the late 80s, stuck behind Ozzie Smith.

Did you seriously read that sentence ("And if there's any doubt in your mind that the requirements of traditional manhood ... are bad for women as well as men...") as satire?