
Yo Dawg...

Sounds like she doesn't have a place in some folks' "all republicans are the same, believe entirely in all the same stuff, and are equally evil" worldview. So...... Burn the witch!

It all kinda depends on what "is" is.

I haven't been paying attention; Is this our first Batshit Crazy Babe of 2012?

I used hold on like that, too, but the sage advice of .38 Special straightened me out.

I DARE you to be all smart like this on a Diaz or Tarantola post. Hell, I'll go straight to double-dog dare!

Sandusky, OH invites you to a "First World Problems" throwdown, Draper.

"If you wanted something small, you either bought an import, or something so cheap that it could blow up (Chevrolet Vega), or might catch fire (Ford Pinto)."

Speaking of did my comment wind up as a reply to Ugg's? And it promoted it, to boot? Bah!

My grandfather tried to catch for me a garter snake we came across in a field. It got away after the last 2-3 inches of it's tail broke off. That sucker was still wiggling when we got all the way back home and I put it in the fridge.

How did not a single BMW dealership make this list?

NAPA is my clear winner (CarQuest in 2nd place) too, but all of the above will trade you a scanner for your driver's license.

That's where I am, too. We need to get Detroit (Seoul, Toyota, Fuchu, etc.) to listen, not DC.

They always edit that part out nowadays.

Two words: Border Collie.

Was a tandem I think, and they did pretty much all the good theme songs (Morton Stevens notwithstanding) as far as I'm concerned.

Not quite as quick, perhaps, but check out the passenger pigeon's numbers. Unbelievable.

Actually, I'm not even a slight fan of the woman, but do NOT disrespect Oprah's marathon run. Sure, she had 24-hr, top-flight training, but she did it, and you don't finish under 4:30 by walking.

Now playing

Okay, maybe "probably ONE of...", but any more definite than that and I'm gonna have to throw down.

So is 15-year-old Meredith!