.....don’t actually FUCK the mountain lion.....
.....don’t actually FUCK the mountain lion.....
Really you’re looking at 8,000, i mean, whats a star trek cosplay game without props? All your friends in your living room inside your enterprise set you built after your wife left. We all have that...right?
must have missed them in editing. Saw the other two replies, seems like it was a trigger warning type thing. What a world where we have to tiptope around a cat bird gryphon’s gender. Today I’m officially too old for this website.
You’d only get lost if your captain was a woman. HIYOOOOOO!!
This would make an awesome party game, but what Star Trek fan has 3 friends?
Basis seems to be “threaten a suit that would get laughed out of court because the defendants can’t afford it”
No towns, very few and spaced out NPCs, large mostly empty open world. Nintendo catching up with the times again...many years later.