Beer Me

I disagree. For the record I thought resident evil 4 was boring and unoriginal...

You would love Alien Isolation

After 28 hours I finally beat Alien Isolation and am sad that its over. What a ride it was. In my top 3 now. Heading back to Arma3 and DCS again...looking for my next adventure game...

Hey I curse in every single reply but I’m not a troll just an asshole.

No problems here but I did a full clean install of the Home Edition. Had to cuz old HDD would not run with new build. So far its alright but 7 was perfect. 10 likes to hide shit.

E3 would make the perfect Hitman level...make it happen.


Im on pc

Looks outdated. Never understood the hype for this. Looks like Ico...

People are already tired of the game. Server pop has been way down recently.

Instabuy if I can play without VR. I prefer my trackir anyway cause I can see my keyboard and beer...VR has always been an expensive joke.

VR is dumb...mark my words. Expect a significant drop in quality for VR games...

Alien was one if the best games I have ever played despite being fairly linear. It is the best Alien game ever made and pulled off the perfect female protagonist. I wish more games were like it and would be a perfect match if those teams who helped make it developed a Metroid game...ohh mmmyyyy!

Chinese will never become the dominant language. It has always taken too much time and effort to learn. Koreans couldn’t learn Chinese well enough so they made a new simplified, Chinese based language. The Chinese government is always in favor of further simplifying its text as it doesn’t compete with phonetic

Cel shaded anime style Zelda...with ipads and god knows what other current tech represented in the game...well after 30 years it must be hard to keep things simple while keeping the series interesting. The world looks great though. I never liked cel shaded models in games. Seems like a compromise for rendering

I disagree. Resident evil has become a comical co-op arcade shooter. This is exactly what will breathe fresh air into the series.

Silent Hill PT lives??? Looks like a nightmare fest! High hopes for this.

It will never hold unless evidence exists that some AMC or HBO insider provided the spoliers. Other than that, speculation is completely legal. They just use this threat as intimidation. All those millions of dollars...HAHAHAAAAAA

My mind is ready!!

Too much windwaker...meh...hopefully its great. Nothing compares to OoT for me. It was too perfect when it dropped.