
I love trees. I just moved to Detroit... In one of the "Urban" predominately Black, possibly low income, areas. I don't really really know cus I'm not familiar with the area. But I just spent $500 having tree roots snaked out of my sewer lines. And I'm told I'll need to do that once to twice a year. I don't even know

This is so crazy that it just might work 🤔

I don't see how men are considered the worst. Have you ever gone to the bathroom and been greeted by a nice blood drop on the seat or been sitting in the toilet and noticed a blood drop on the floor? Or noticed someone's menstrual carnage messily shoved into the waste bin only inches from you? I wish the only thing I

I would’ve suggested buying a new mattress once the destination is reached. Most places you buy mattresses from have a mattress disposal fee in the cost and will take the old one away when you buy the new one. Or... You randomly drop it on an island and let the city deal with it lol I live in LA, it happens frequently.

Field roast is making mini corn dogs now, I believe they are vegan... It's worth a look

Denny’s uses Amy's I believe... Good stuff especially when they do it

i said that about the giant snorlax... “we don’t have the space for that!”... i squealed like a bitch and damn near cried when my boyfriend got me one for my birthday

I didn’t need the condom in every sex scene. I assume, in a 5 year, truly monogamous (no side bitches/niggas) relationship, that there is some sort of birth control in use and safety from STDs. But the randomness of the neighbor fuck needed a condom. Honestly it would’ve highlighted the newness and awkwardness of the

THANK. YOU. unless your cervix dilates on command. i’d say you’re safe.

i like how he mixed the old pringle slogan “once you pop, the fun don’t stop” with the old lays slogan “bet you can’t eat just one!”. “you can’t pop just one pringle.”-Mike Fahey

As you should

I never even asked about a tubal ligation until I was in my 20s because I was under the assumption that there was an age restriction. At 29, even though I told myself I’d wait till 30 to see if I would indeed “change my mind” as many speculated, I asked my doctor. She explained it was permanent, I confirmed that I

ooooooh.... i didn’t think of that