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    Is it really that bad? I mean, you're not blood-relatives. The only gross part is knowing they have sex with your mom or dad. I don't see anything wrong with step-siblings, though.

    And that damn gun STILL never gets used.

    I actually think people tend to double down on criticism when it's a female character doing morally reprehensible things, because women are "supposed" to be morally pure. Also, in a gender-swapped situation, Elizabeth would likely be made out to be a nagging shrew, if the Breaking Bad audience was any indication.

    Ewww, it was like watching a brother and sister kissing… and not in a hot Lannister way.

    "The general dull palette is perfectly acceptable for a show about spies, secrets, and hiding in plain sight."

    Thing is, that's not what the show is going for. Almost everything, from the score to the setting, suggests AoS is trying to make these characters out to be a tight-knit "family" of heroes, which makes its drab colour palette unfitting.

    Yeah, check it out. AoS, despite improving steadily over the last season, is still quite mediocre. This episode is great, though, probably because it feels like some other show.

    Yeah, I guess I can agree with that. I remember S3 mostly having a pretty standard MotW+overarching Big Bad plot structure, but the episodes you mentioned were pretty fantastic.

    Yes, poor woobie. How dare this woman's life not revolve around him.

    Especially with the astronaut who set himself on fire. I wasn't the only one thinking Johnny Storm after that mention, right?

    I was about to give you an upvote, but then you said Buffy got great in S3. No, no, no, my dear! S3 may have been the most consistent season, but it lacked the emotional depth of the other seasons. S2 was where the show achieved greatness.

    I thought it worked for this episode, but that may just be the chemistry between Henstridge and the unsubtly named astronaut. I can't see how they're going to make the relationship interesting in the following episodes, though. All the tension between the characters was generated by their isolation. Take that away,…