booplesnoot is one hoopy frood

The company vastly overcharging for an STD-preventative is literally called Gilead?  Seriously?

Yeah, it really is a painful reminder of how far things have fallen that she’s such a hero. I absolutely do not mean to put her down by saying that: she is awesome. But so many of the things for which she’s lauded are just... things that all of our elected officials should be doing. But we expect so little out of

Representative Ocasio-Cortez makes it easy to love her in a lot of ways. Her fire, passion, and commitment to do the job she was elected to dorather than just focusing on getting reelected from the first day of her term—are a refreshing set of changes from the daily grind of political prevarication and mealy-mouthed

This has made me sad. RIP Grumpy cat I bet you was very happy inside because of the love of your owners 

a urinary tract infection


I’m so glad I’m not the only one who does this. No, I will not watch your scary movie but I will read the entire plot on Wikipedia.

The best festival I ever went to was at The Farm (hippie commune) in Summertown, TN back in 2000. They used to have these festivals each spring called Unity Fest and everyone would camp out and there’d be all different kinds of workshops and all night raves. I went roaming around one morning and saw an old man sitting

Being on Fox News means you are assisting them with ad revenue even if you spend the whole time on air discrediting them. Just by  being there you are endorsing them and giving them validity. Bernie especially shouldn’t do it again if he believes in his platform and neither should any other Democratic candidate.

Good for her! Enough with this “ gotta hear both sides” nonpartisan horseshit. She’s not going to change anybody’s mind with the Fox viewing audience; those people are, for all intents and purposes, gone and they are never coming back

i thought the same thing. if they’re going to throw a woman in jail for 30 years for an abortion or miscarriage, they need to toss this pig in jail and forget where they put the key.

Aaaaah! Someone point me to the spoilers so I can read what happens but never watch this scary movie.

My grandparents are from Sweden and I am very into witchcraft and Norse pagan religions and this movie looks like a horrifying bastardization of all that I hold sacred and I AM HERE FOR IT.

So the pro-lifers will demand the death penalty for the killing of an “unborn child”, right? They’ll also ban guns as a surgical instrument used in abortions, right?

Holy Shit! The excuses these GOPpers make. They are claiming that Democratic endorsed yard signs are traumatizing republicans not to vote?

At least they’re not dead soldiers!

So unless I get killed I shouldn’t complain?

I think what they were trying to do was show she already felt rejected. She seemed to have internalized more than she realized her brother’s insistence that Westeros cries out for their “true king,” and to have largely forgotten Jorah’s admonishment that the people pray for good harvests and a never ending summer and

Of course it was coming, we just don’t like the way it was executed. Also you’d expect to see a little inner conflict from her based on the past seasons but instead all we’ve seen is her very directly trying to be the mad queen and others trying to stop her. I think something that would’ve been more believable for her