booplesnoot is one hoopy frood

They’re finally making them in multiple color options!

Mobsters Are Governing America

Those buyers forfeited more than $50 million in deposits, and they never took possession of finished units

Laws are for poor people, anyway. Fraud is only fraud if your lawyer can’t get you out of it.

The important thing here is that i am sure all of this fraud and criminality were done w/the utmost care and attention paid to email server management. After all that is all that matters to the public, polity, and press. 

I am still looking for an acceptable replacement.

Hey, dumbbell, Thiel never sued Gawker for two reasons: 1) he knew he would lose and 2) he’s a thin-skinned chickenshit who was afraid to be humiliated in court like he deserved.

This site transformed how we watch and talk about TV by inventing the snarky TV recap. I’d say a lot of pop culture sites and podcasts’ tone were crafted from TWoP.

He’s BankRuptcy

UK television’s uniquely terrifying children’s programmes of the 1970s - not just the obvious things like Doctor Who and Children of the Stones - but the stuff aimed at really young kids.

I remember being just an elementary-aged girl from the south, hearing Ms. Cherry’sRaw Like Sushi” album. She changed the “game” for me. She, to me, was the epitome of a strong, smart woman...which was the antithesis of debutant balls and the pearl-wearing moms who (very much so) displayed theirhusband first, self

Now playing

Did you know that this fucking goddess sang Buffalo Stance live while pregnant?!? Amazing:

Neneh. Cherry. !!! I remember listening to Raw Like Sushi on cassette over and over until my stereo ate the tape, and then listening to Homebrew in college over and over (I have Red Paint in my head as I type this), and then . . . not really following her after that.  I had no idea she had three other albums.  Going

Pretty sure TelevisionWithoutPity/MightyBigTV needs to be on this list somewhere...

Good list. But the GMG insistence on list formatting as picture > bold, numbered list entry > text body drives me insane. It always looks like the image starting the next entry is an appendage of the last and it goes against everything my lizard brain knows about recognizing listed content on the web. Knock it off,

I love gawker and the related sites. I still read through most of them daily, but its just not the same. 

When Gawker was in its final tailspin I was worried about the sister sites. Namely kotaku and jalopnik. There was alot of writers and good content that had nothing to do with the pissing contest Gawker lost with Hogan and theil, that I worried would stop. Luckily they survived.

It justifiably got a lot of hate, but it was murdered publicly by a billionaire with an axe to grind while the rest of the media just kind of watched it happened. Sure, a few outlets did defend Gawker, but most defenses were tepid or reluctant. It is a martyr in the fight for a press in the 21st century.

sorry but any list without....

Gawker Was Good