
Have we considered that Hillary Clinton should DEFINITELY have Rosie O’Donnell in the front row for the next debate, but not publicised, and as a surprise? Because if Ms O’Donnell is willing to be there, I think that would make Trump show America his arse even more than he did last night.

And there’s the “we should have taken their (Iraq’s) oil to prevent the rise of ISIS/L.” Dude, that’s contrary to the Geneva Convention. It’s a war crime. The type that ends with lots of people either at The Hague or permanently unable to go anywhere that has extradition. And even Bed Bath and Beyond doesn’t have

Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.

I picked a hell of a week to debate Hillary Clinton.

The irony, of course, is that if Trump or any of his like-minded followers were also randomly stopped and frisked, they’d lose their goddamned minds. They’d be screaming about the Founding Fathers and the “police state” in no time.


Same here. I would try to do the dance too. A couch and love seat situated directly across the living room from each other made it easy to do the part where they step up on the benches and kick.

Well...i see a 17y old little idiot who thinks he knows what is what...and doesn’t. And i see a 16y old girl pretty much playing him like the world cheapest violin.

I plan on tricking him into giving it to us.

That’s true, but that’s why punching upward works and punching down doesn’t.

I learned everything I know about American history from the thousands of westerns my dad used to watch.

Seriously, too often they’re driving it all over the road.

their dicks—when “tip to tip”—are 17.34 inches combined.

Sam Bee is not obligated to support your quixotic dream of remaking our democracy at the expense of our actual democracy.

But Parker himself didn’t say stop so, by his own logic, not only should the journalist kept going, he should have invited two other journalists into the room to keep asking the same question.

Because the appearance of impropriety in a woman is more of a threat than actual evidence of impropriety in a man. This is known.

Based on the immortal classic by Charles Dick-Ins...

Is that a rabbi who is a celebrity or a rabbi to celebrities?

Aside from all the other objections to this, the Weiner scandal is a weird hook to introduce the topic. If Weiner had stuck to watching videos on RedTube or reading erotic fiction, he wouldn’t be in this mess. Weiner pretty obviously gets off on mutual interactions with women, and possibly on public shaming upon being

If we as a country are going to have a serious and frank discussion about the American immigration policy, then it’s high time that we admit one simple truth: