I stopped being biracial as soon as Trump won. Whew!
I stopped being biracial as soon as Trump won. Whew!
Just realizing now how much Ruby Gillis looks like Amy Schumer.
And next year anybody who wears them will have to go through a door sideways.
Don’t make me cry. I can’t believe that Matthew, Marilla, and Gil have all passed away. SOB SOB SOB
Guys, my (Latino) husband doesn’t know it yet because he’s not home, but our couples Halloween costume is now Nasty Woman and Bad Hombre, this nightmare election is finally giving me something useful.
I put her with Kathleen Turner, Helen Mirren, and Emma Thompson in the Amazing Women You Would Have a Great Time Drinking With But Do Not *Ever* Want to Piss Off group. I should probably add Meryl Streep to that group, too.
My thought upon reading this study was: “You know what else is really depressing? The thought of, every month for the rest of my life, having to miss three days of doing anything because I’m vomiting from pain while blood gushes out of my vagina.”
Oh look! It’s Vincent Adultman, heading off to a long day at the business factory!
Cry me a fucking river. This is going to happen more and more as men in traditionally overwhelmingly male industries, where they’ve been free to talk over and dismiss their colleagues, look around and notice more women running about, giving orders, getting ahead, and being taken seriously. Suck it up. Equality feels…
If body language counts, they were doing that this year.
Newest Calvin Harris track End to the Drama coming to earbuds near you
I’d laugh if the entire Wu-Tang Clan bought all the tickets.
Isn’t this dude rich as fuck? Can’t he just give money to their family and be done with it? Sorry but nope still not worth it. If he wants to display compassion he can do so with his own money. To raffle off a chance to punch him in honor of his friend’s memory is pretty par for the course with his tacky ass…
Many people are saying Trump is probably addicted to uppers. Educated people, great people. You tell me.
I picked a hell of a week to debate Hillary Clinton.