
I dunno. I’m no basketball expert, but from what I can tell, there is a foul on nearly every scoring play near the basket. With all those fouls, messing up a few here and there makes, percentage-wise, little difference. If you want to start worrying about whether some fouls were incorrectly called, you need to first

I think you have it backwards. It’s the owners who are introducing a political event into the workplace, by playing the national anthem and demanding a demonstration of obedience to the state.

So the president personally persuades NFL owners to prevent their employees from expressing a political opinion. How is that not government infringement of free speech?

The only thing I can figure is: the people behind this have never attended an NFL game. If they did they would observe, during the national anthem, thousands of people walking around, buying concessions, and using the bathroom.

His father was a mudder.

You’re telling me *this* is what we’re doing in this nation to combat gun violence? We’re making it easier to bury the dead?

By “We”, do you mean you’re Justin Verlander? I would have thought you’d have better things to do with your time than hang out on deadspin.

Counterpoint: it shouldn’t count as a genuine no-hitter since it came against a minor league team.

I’ve always admired King’s ability to inject himself into everything he writes.

How much longer before Florida is covered by rising seas? Is there any way we can hurry that along?

“Incredibly” means his monologue was not credible. You’re spot on there.

Negotiating the best possible terms is only part of the reason for employeeing an agent. The other is to hire someone who fights the battles, sometimes acrimoniously, with the team during the negotiations so you don’t have to. That way any bad blood is between the agent and and the team, not you. After all, when the

If he’d offered 2-1 he would have kept his job.

“I didn’t do anything wrong” as a motto doesn’t quite have the same ring to it as “swifter, higher, stronger”.

I agree, he’s fine. His insights into the course and the experience of being an Olympic skier have been very informative.

I’ll never understand how Rocky and Bullwinkle got into the Olympics, but I’m happy to hear they won a silver medal.

So glad she’s going home with a medal. A class act all the way. Fuck all those Trump supporters who sent her hate messages on twitter.

Favorite? Without a doubt, a fast food chain I enjoyed in Malaysia: Youseef’s Curried Fish Heads.  

The time has come to stop saying “I don’t have the answers”. We all know what must be done. We must overthrow the NRA.