Jeez, something happens like Jemele posting a few benign tweets and it brings out all these people...what’s the word? Oh I know, deplorable.
Jeez, something happens like Jemele posting a few benign tweets and it brings out all these people...what’s the word? Oh I know, deplorable.
Do you mean to say *the* Chargers fan in LA? Otherwise it sounds like your trying to imply there is more than one.
I never thought I would see the day when there would be something refreshingly different in an NFL broadcast, yet there it is.
I thought it was a pithy remark.
Extra PROTIP: Never answer the question “Do you know why I pulled you over?” The cop is not making conversation. They are trying to extract a confession from you that can be used in court.
I wonder if Bennett is thinking “hmm, maybe this is the week I’ll stop my anthem sitting to protest police mistreatment of blacks.”
“I really can’t answer that as yet,” McMahill said, noting that the officers involved will submit to questioning from internal affairs detectives. “That’s exactly what we’d like to hear from Mr. Bennett as well.”
Oh my. A thousand times no.
You’ll have to help me out here. I honestly don’t know if you’re joking or not.
“anyone running away from the scene is a suspect and should be detained.”
Wow. A panel that includes both Phil Simms and Ray Lewis? That’s a veritable Algonquin round table.
In other words, Ray Lewis was fantasizing about an NFL owner letting him decide a personnel matter, when he suddenly realized he was talking out loud and other people could hear him. I feel his pain. I hate it when that happens.
“I think that one of the issues with Kaepernick is that he is looking for starter money, as has been reported by a few people...”
Jeez, enough with your fawning over Gawker. Now is not the time for you to be engaging in your unabashed hero worship for Deadspin bloggers.
“If the Chargers can finally stay healthy this year”
Yonder is only under contract for 50 more games. His trade value is almost nil, so it’s not too surprising the A’s got little for him.
You think that was disrespectful? I take you’ve never been to a football game?
Same here. I watched less last year than ever before. Maybe this year I’ll give it up entirely. The Kaep blackballing is just too much to take.
Just wondering: are the majority of goals in soccer scored by a team putting the ball in their own net?