
This was my first and most immediate concern. I thought this would have been a perfect opportunity to add to the list of PS+ perks....but it doesn't seem that this is going to be the case. Bad move.

I've been referring to it as XBO

You bring up great points, but I do want to correct you on one thing: I haven't forgotten about Nintendo first party software making up for the hardware loss, nor have I glossed over the common practice of selling hardware at a loss. I just omitted it for the sake of brevity.

I think you have to look at Nintendo as a whole and much more pragmatically:

What I was getting at is, it being set in the future, KZ's weapons are fairly pedestrian and familiar.

You mean Killzone? :-)

The world has been waiting for cheaper digital copies since digital versions were made available....years ago.

Neither. Upgraded my PC instead. However, I will most likely be getting a PS4 but not anytime soon.

"This show, while not particularly good, is on this list because it seems to appeal to Chinese audiences.... Happy Town is filled with very base and simple Chinese humour. It's a great show for people learning Chinese as it provides an insight into what Chinese people find funny."

I am RACIALLY Chinese (I am fiercely Canadian, but thanks to racism, I am forever a hyphenated half citizen of the country I a CHINESE Canadian....not really fully Canadian, but thank you, white people, for letting me stay and pretend I'm just like you!), and I've played BF4 and I gotta say I'd be more

China leads the world in whining? I somehow really don't think so...

May I say, though, that it would be EPIC if wars were still fought that way (ie. two armies on a field, running at each other, a la Lord of the Rings style).

Absolutely agreed, and well spoken.

Great read. Thanks for that. Very illuminating!

The net code is terrible. I have a rig that plays this beast at 70 fps on average, on ultra, and yet mp stutters like crazy due to constant lag spikes.

I think its because Nelson Mandela died, and there's continuing tension in the middle east. You know, important stuff is happening.


Spike's opinion on gaming is about as important as my mom's.

My problem with this is EXACTLY my problem I have when a gamer is identified as having engaged in criminal behavior. Being a gamer is completely incidental and not at all relevant to the story. If I had saved someone, there are at least 10000 things I could be tagged as; I'd cringe if news media tagged me as "a

I've been gaming since the late 70's. I really don't care about this show or how it respects or disrespects gamers. It can do whatever the hell it wants because I don't watch and I don't care.