I read through this dialogue, continuing to imagine Christian Bale's voice saying everything you wrote, and it was magical.
I read through this dialogue, continuing to imagine Christian Bale's voice saying everything you wrote, and it was magical.
I'd really love a breakdown of which box can hold a steady 60 fps at these resolutions. That, for me, is just as important.
I couldn't watch anymore than half. That was fucking terrible.
A biological predisposition backed by millions of years of evolution should not be treated like a fucking problem. Less than 1 percent of all species on the planet are naturally monogamous.
Europe......not a country.
Jena Malone is one of the most consistent young actresses of her generation. She deserves stardom. I read Reid's tirades and can't for the life of me see any shred of truth in any of it.
In keeping with my thread of thought, I would make that very same assumption, yes. It does go both ways, you are absolutely correct.
Count how many people died in Benghazi. Now count how many people died during 9/11 and Katrina.
If the pitcher throws a terrible ball and the batter misses, I blame the fucking pitcher. I am sick as fuck of idiots who can't link a chain of causality and view Obama's fuck-ups in isolation of any fucking context which this semi retarded cat painter was largely responsible for.
Bingo. Totally agreed!
Apparently, they're trying something new....
Same. Oddly, some commenters seem to disagree and took this completely the wrong way.
As a gamer, I love these. I think as a community we need to be reminded to lighten up a little bit and see our hobby for essentially what any hobby really is: objectively speaking, pretty fucking silly.
WOW! A Gawker network article about China with zero negative spin! I am stunned!
I don't know much about tax laws regarding products manufactured outside of the States; I do know, however, that raw labour costs will effectively double (in some cases, triple) if brought stateside, and will most likely NOT be offset by any other savings in the form of lesser transportation costs and import taxes,…
There are definitely problems with cheap labour. However, manufacturing PS4s in the States will shoot production costs up by at least 150%. At least.
It's going to star Raiden.
Loved the first one despite its limitations and problems. I thought the story was awesome.
I'm a dude. I don't get this. AT ALL.
Yoshida seems to be very open. I'd say he's a driving force behind Sony's cultural shift towards being a friendlier more transparent company.