
I really couldn’t disagree more.


The most logical thing to me would be setting WC4 after WOW ends, and then use it to bridge a WOW 2 or something of that nature.

Everything else aside, why can’t this game be both? Why does it have to only empower men or women? Why can’t it just as deftly tear them down? I believe the most realistic world a game can create is one where people rise to or surpass the challenges facing them, while just as many others fail and fall; often quite

There is just something appealing about Blizzard’s more unique look than this. I still find WOW’s general aesthetic to be more gracefully aged than something like this, striking for hyper-realism, which would become outdated in just a handful of years. Vibrant colors and style will always win out over reaching for

FFS, is this really an issue? Really?!

If you’re “profession” is the torture and inhumane killing of animals for sport, then fuck you. I sincerely hope he bleeds out and dies. I don’t care what culture you call your own, nothing makes this acceptable or any less barbaric.

You forgot anything Hickman has done for the Avengers/ New Avengers/ Secret Wars stuff. It’s great, hard-science fiction, wrapped in the guise of Marvel’s universe. It’s the first comic I’ve ever actively started to collect (that wasn’t a limited series or indie-thing, like Saga).

I’d honestly like to discuss this topic, and I am very respectful of others right to voice their opinions, but when you argue against the notion of keeping a police force, and then hold up gang members, GANG MEMBERS, as scions of peace, you lose my attention very quickly.

I’d think it was facilitated by criminals not wanting to go to fucking jail, not trusting the police in that context, yeah that makes sense. You aren’t going to win an argument based on defending one side vs the other. I’m not saying the cops are the misunderstood good guys here, but that the rioters are (largely) no

I think a lot of us tuning into the fight this weekend are merely doing so in the hopes that this fucker will get beat within an inch of his life.

Not really. That’s called everyday life. He aspired to be something great, and to use his powers for good. Instead, he stumbles out into the unknown and royally fucks up. In the end, he narrowly skirts by the edge of disaster (or plunges over it, depending on your point of view) and saves the day, but at the cost of

Also, almost every commenter here who appears to be anti-cop has already made this “us vs them” with their anti-cop rhetoric. Again, you’re pointing out a double standard that is leveled against them, even as a large group attack them for simply being police.

Because at the end of the day police are the ones keeping order. If you want the entire country to loo like post-riot ferguson or Baltimore, remove the cops.

And just to get ahead of it, no, I am not a racist. That is obvious for anyone who looks through my other comments. I take issue with this anti-police bullshit thrown around gawker and elsewhere. Blaming the entire police department for the actions of bad eggs is no different than any piece of shit racist blaming all

By the logic of this post, if a person of any skin-color accosts me, I should never, ever, forgive them. Because if one did it, or even a hundred, then they must all be the same.

Yeah, it’s a bad movie. I’m just saying that people always point out this one particular thing as the reason its bad, but the idea itself is one of the few, original concepts in the entire film. Everything surrounding it is what made Superman awful.