Bee in your bonnet


Says internet dipshit

“What does make for bad people, is trying to maintain a status quo that unfairly disadvantages one group while providing advantages to our own.”

Then you’re an asshole

You’re dangerously stupid.

“There are people in power today who want nothing more than to annihilate the USA”

In all honesty, the coroner, or any other doctor for that matter, knows as much about marijuana as my mom. The fact that it has been demonized and illegal for so long mean their have been no relevant studies done on its affects. Marijuana users are literally the authority on the subject and the medical community, hell

+1 cruel

Best writer on any of these platforms. Mainly cause Caty, Ashley, and Eve left, but still - HamNo is a fucking boss

Not even proof of that. Romans, notoriously fantastic record keepers, have no record of this supposed rabble-rouser from Judea. Plenty of records of other shitbags put on the cross from before and after, but strangely, not for the omnipotent ruler of the universe in human form.

I will countenance no redneckery

Bbbb-but...boycotts don’t work.

Says a bi-coastal clueless motherfucker. Spend some time in the South before you start popping off about shit that has never affected you one fucking moment in your privileged life you white piece of shit