“Her family is really scared for her safety,” said a source. “She’s just so isolated and spends all her free time watching trash TV and commenting on Jezebel.”
“Her family is really scared for her safety,” said a source. “She’s just so isolated and spends all her free time watching trash TV and commenting on Jezebel.”
Henchmen of ill-repute:
I hate unmarked police cars. Any cop under oath in court will tell you that the reason they write traffic tickets is for safety to make people slow down and be more careful. It most certainly is not for revenue generation. But what is the instinctive reaction of all drivers that see a *marked* police car? Uh-huh. So…
Why was Dane Cook the spokesman for baseball, anyway? [in 2007]
He got all huffy.
But you can write some shitty words and call it a comment.
Dan Snyder checked with some Native American groups. It’s fine with them.
And teacher’s unions are being disbanded while police unions are protecting killers of children.
I hate people some days.
It looks like he fought...
You’d have to have a pretty crazy reason to do something like this on purpose. Schilling’s just pointing out the obvious: the person responsible clearly had a loco motive.
Curt hasn’t been this invested in a trainwreck since 38 Studios.
Another good Getty photo:
I had a roommate who had 8 CDs... ALL of them were RUSH, and he looked exactly like Geddy Lee.
Not making light of this awfulness, but does the pro-gun segment even bother to make excuses about the issue of gun violence anymore? Or do they just angrily shout about a guy who’s not standing for the National Anthem?
You know what. I am so fucking done with this shit. I would really love it if from now on, shooters only kill gun nuts. At least then the victims would die by the sword they purport to live by. And maybe that would finally change some minds.
The guy at home:
Title Nein