Tom has publically said he dosen’t want the guy fired.
Tom has publically said he dosen’t want the guy fired.
It’s boredom that’s the problem up here. The Pats have won so much that the talk guys have just about run out of shit to complain about.
This is why the Patriots are so frustrating to us in the rest of the world. They’re dominant without being dominant. If their wins had been blowouts, I’d probably feel better about it, because then we could say something like “Well, there was no way. It was the Pats, and they had our guys’ number from the beginning.”
Brady should have said something like “Yeah, we caught her in a bad mood and kids are like that sometimes”.
Deadspin writes more posts about Boston than Boston based blogs. You know in middle school when you acted mean to your crush because you just didn’t know anything better? Is that what’s going on here? Tell you what, we can get rid of Boston if you also get rid of that trash prison called NYC.
You should always have your kids’ back in public. It doesn’t mean they’re infallible and that they shouldn’t face consequences for their actions but you don’t just sit there while someone demeans your child. I don’t see how someone can come out against Brady on this specifically (and I think he’s an insipid doofus).
Cries about being told to fuck himself on the internet. Tells others to fuck themselves in response.
This sounds like your average kinja
Yes, we all know 5 year olds are annoying pissants. I’m not sure how many people would be kosher with someone calling their kid that though.
You must be new here. Stick around and you’ll learn that Boston is apparently the most vile place on earth filled with the most vile human beings.
I think the park effects mean some of the numbers have to be taken into context. The Coors effect was very real for a while. A guy who played his entire career at, say, Wrigley is going to have an advantage over a guy who played in the Astrodome.
Kirk Minihane is a tough guy in exactly the same ratio that I am an ultra marathoner.
Walker has the “Coors problem,” where his numbers are tossed into the trash entirely because he played there for a while.
If I could do that I wouldn’t leave the house.
It’s not our fault you’re wrong on both guys! :)
Brady did explicitly say he hopes Reimer isn’t fired. Stop being an annoying little pissant Ley
I don’t think Boston is the big problem. I think Sports Radio in general is the culprit. The entire industry is modeled on artificial conflict and outrage to get listeners. It’s always going to be odious at its core, no matter what city it originates from.
We should just get rid of Boston Sports Radio.
Nearly perfect in every way- except for that grill.