
My campaign has already raised $1.82, a lint-covered piece of unidentifiable candy, coupla paper clips (all from small donors!) and the dreams of millions of my fellow citizens.

Christ, that’s so harebrained I have no trouble believing it’s true.

Don’t lie to me about the contents of an article I provided for you. You think I haven’t read Cordesman’s report?

We provide military funding to 73% of the World’s authoritarian regimes. 


God, you’re so fucking naive.

Well, there’s his plan to get Jordan to give up land for Palestinians, then Saudi Arabia will give land to Jordan, and then Egypt will give two islands back to Saudi Arabia.

Yeah, that’s exactly how we behave in regards to every part of the world that doesn’t have an oil supply for us - we permit rapacious human rights violations and genocide to proceed without batting an eyelash.

Nah, Trump’s a multi-time draft dodger trying to steal from military funds to fund his dumb vanity projects, that’s not pro-military. If you think a physical wall is what actually protects Israel and not a full-time mandatory national conscription and billions in American arms dollars, you don’t know much about Israel.

Might also have to do with the fact that the only other countries in the area are theological dictatorships that are completely misaligned with our values. Would you want to live anywhere else in the Middle East?

Israel’s misaligned with our values, at least as they are expressed by the current administration: Israel has free abortion, nationalized healthcare, equal pay, women in every branch of the military. That’s not it; no Trump supporter would want to live in a country with these values unless they’re a total hypocrite.

You don’t think it is a problem that politicians in the USA take bribes from a racist apartheid state and put their interests over the interests of the USA? You must be pretty stupid.

I think it’s widely considered true in the “nudge nudge wink hey - when the Jews hold Israel, our boy’s going to come back and rapture the faithful” way.

The reason we don’t have other friends in the area is because we’re so tight with Israel and arm them heavily.

The importance it has, is that it reassures thousands of fundamentalist Christians that the Rapture will continue to be imminent. *sigh*

Sure, I get those reasons. I guess my two quick responses would be 1) a big reason there aren’t more US friendly countries in the region is because of the US giving such support to Israel. And 2) I’m not suggesting withdrawing all support from Israel, just that it should be far from one of our most important

he doesn’t want it to be effective. this admin and the majority of the GOP wants israel to take full control and the palestinians be damned.

I’m sure it will be every bit as humane and helpful as Ivanka’s plan to give pregnant employees maternity leave by depleting their social security earnings in advance of retirement.

Honestly, these wannabe dictators and ghoulish fascist can not pass from this world quickly enough for my taste.

The Democrats that spoke out in support of Israel and Bibi at the AIPAC conference should face a primary. Every last one of those corrupt cowards.