

you’re the sniffer!  i have the best sniffing!

Which is exactly why his attorneys, even the extremely stupid ones, know that it would be a death warrant for perjury to have him testify under oath, even for two seconds.

Even when there’s no need to lie. Especially when there’s no need to lie. He could’ve turned his flub into a happy little joke and gotten positive points with everyone, but no, he made it worse by denying it ever happening. It’s so amazing.

I’ll take that wager. I reread it, that’s a solid bet. You should read Trump’s deposition from the libel case...I think this clown literally believes everything he says (this is still worth a read).


No sniffing!  You’re sniffing!

Until even Republicans can’t ignore it.

A man went to his neighbor to confront him about breaking the plate he borrowed from him.  The neighbor said, “I didn’t borrow your plate, it was broken when you gave it to me, and it wasn’t broken when I returned it.”

Does he realize that it exposes the first lie when you make a second lie that’s totally incompatible with the first lie just a little bit later?

So, he went from claiming he said Tim Cook Apple but said it really fast so we didn’t hear Cook, to now he did just say Tim Apple, but he meant Tim/Apple, because apparently now slashes in conversation are audible.

“I just thought, ‘Why would you lie about that?’” one of the donors reportedly told Axios, going on to answer their own question. “It doesn’t even matter!”

This says everything you need to know about him. I mean that donor was right, this doesn’t even matter it’s just a little funny. But Trump can’t stand to have even the smallest negative thing said about him, I remember seeing reporting (I think during the campaign) that he was always bad on comedy shows like SNL and

Remember kids this is the same President who had to later issue a statement to change “I don’t see why it would be Russia” with “I don’t see why it would NOT be Russia”.

It’s just remarkable. He’ll lie about absolutely anything, even when there’s irrefutable proof that he’s lying.

So then I was right when I heard No shit, there’s collusion! every time the lying press reported he said, “NO COLLUSION!”

For as long as America keeps letting him get away with it.

Whats the point of the lie anyway? Tim Cook Apple would still have made no sense in that context.

Lying for the sake of lying. How much longer does this have to go on?

The saying goes that you can tell a pathological liar because they don’t just lie about things all the time, they lie about inconsequential things and things that are trivially easy to prove false.