
You are giving Nancy credit for stopping Paul Ryan from killing massively popular social programs. That’s not an accomplishment. That’s the bare minimum.

Republicans are completely corrupt it seems. Democrats are also corrupt but at least some good people are in the party and you can shame some of the others. I think this whole Ilhan Omar thing really shows how much change is needed. This is an unforced error that hurt the Democrats all because leadership wanted to

The ACA is a Republican idea. They are happy the rich can still make money off of sick people. Anything else is kabuki theatre. The fact the Democrats passed that corrupt crap bill for Paul Ryan was ideal. Even better is the way they can sabotage it and blame everything on the Democrats. All because Nancy Pelosi did

Still, they defected and the caucus was not in line. More telling, though, those breakaway votes seemed to blind side Pelosi. Which either means they’re testing her or Clybern isn’t doing his job.

This is a problem in both parties. I am sick of hearing people excuse one party because they think the other is worse. This how they get away with this shit. It is time for all people to stand up to our government and demand better.

I have no idea what her objective is here, which is why I think it hurts my argument that’s shes an effective leader.

She’s also really good at counting votes and keeping her caucus in line.

So what you’re saying is you’re just going to pretend that she’s bad at her job because you don’t like her?

Her job is to be a representative. That part about where you don’t trust her positions? Her having positions that are trustworthy and effective at bettering the nation is her job. Yes, she is effective in the role of a caucus leader. This is faint praise at best when she tries to use that leadership to write some shit

Never heard of Bonnie Watson Coleman before but I like the cut of her jib.  She can actually keep this non-issue in perspective.

Democrats lost an ungodly amount of seats under Pelosi. Are you going to pretend that she’s good at her job because you like her?

My favorite historical example of this is that allegedly part of the reason for the creation of Israel was that during the war some of the world leaders weren’t sure if Jews really did control the world or not. So they figured they’d hedge their bets and get on their good side just in case.

don’t forget the ‘stach

Unfortunately, the answer is that it’s not just the GOP, a lot of Dems are operating in bad faith as well, and we are still grappling with the issue that actual liberals are trying to play by rules that the other side is completely ignoring.

They think they are outsmarting the global Zionist conspiracy by herding all the Jews into Israel so that their eventual genocide can bring back Jesus who will then destroy the world.

I don’t want to hear that spin anymore. I live in Ilhan Omar’s district. AIPAC keeps smearing Muslim Congresspeople and spreading Islamophobia. I’m sick of our country being controlled by lobbyists. I’m sick of the rich and the powerful spreading hate and division for their personal gain. I’m really sick of Democrats

well that’s the thing, there are many ultra-fundementalists that see it as a means to an end, the willingness to ally with Israel is to repulse any Islamic influence in the region only to turn on them later once Iran, Saudi Arabia and others are dealt with, these people believe that control of the Holy Land will

There’s at least one commenter here who’s anti-Trump but convinced the Rotheschilds secretly control the world. So that’s at most 99.999%

She’s really effective at doing AIPAC’s bidding of spreading Islamophobia and silencing young black Muslim voices in Congress.

I wonder what the overlap is of idiots who believe in a global Zionist conspiracy and idiots who vote for republicans who will support Israel no matter what they do. I’m guessing it’s 100%.