
Ok, I think we need to separate being irritated at Obama doing this and the “precedent” set for Trump. Trump will do whatever the fuck he wants for his library. He will make sure experts are not consulted. He will make sure it’s all faux gold and makes him look good and not like a stupid moron dictator who will surely

I work in archives. Theft is a real thing.

lol   I have some oceanfront property in Arizona for sale.    Interested?  

Who was the last good president? Even if Obama is mediocre to bad, he’s obviously better than the Bushes or Trump or Reagan, and one could argue about whether he’s better than Clinton but they’re in the same rough wheelhouse.

ok, good know and thank you for your knowledge/input. 

Agreed all around. I was born in 71 and the presidents during my time are not stellar. Id like to say Ford was the best but he pardoned nixon and that was the sine qua non of GOP contempt for the law and consequences in our modern age. 

Not a single person who brought down the economy in ‘08 went to jail.

So your theory is Goldman Sachs gave Obama over a million dollars so they could do their civic duty and be good people?     This is shady and crooked and why no one trusts government.   Goldman Sachs shouldn’t be allowed to give politicians money.   

But the point the individual made is salient. My beliefs on your behaviors are nonwithstanding. You typically, as per your post history and our interactions on this website, and you have a habit of excusing really shitty behavior from the DNC and establishment-type Dems because they fit your (D) labeling.

“but we work with what we got.”

The first book for 45's Liebrary


They’ll have a tough time dealing with the Trump library when all the Playboy magazines keep falling off the shelves

This is some old school conservatism/fascism- women should not be in the workplace, they should be at home, raising our children.  It was those pesky feminists that caused all this to happen (and not eroding of wages as a result of corporate greed).

That’s his niche in the conservative pundit ecosystem. He actually does have some vaguely anti-capitalist populist tendencies, but coming from a distinctly right-wing perspective: class warfare is real, and the elites are holding you down not by the exploitation of surplus value, but by, like, making your

I’m pretty sure that the last year and a half has damaged Carlson’s brain to the point that he doesn’t know what he’s talking about anymore, let alone whether it squares with positions he took last year, last month, or last night.

Honestly, I can’t even tell what he’s upset about here. The closest I can get to figuring it out is that he thinks any American system that deviates from white men in the workplace and their wives back at home with the children is de facto bad no matter what the realities of life are. And that’s the kindest, most sane

Tucker may see which way the wind is blowing — even a majority of Fox viewers are aware that modern capitalism sucks (they of course blame gay marriage and liberals for corporatism somehow, but they know it’s a bad deal)

I laughed at that too— isn’t he supposed to be AGAINST lazy non-working takers?

The American dream is outsourcing their upbringing to government caretakers, while their parents scurry back to work as good little servants of globalized market capitalism.