You’re kidding, right ?
You’re kidding, right ?
Because you only have to spend 60k to get a C8?
So they’re really doing it - throwing away any credibility the “V” cars have gotten for what reason, exactly? So someone can claim they drive a V but only has to pay 45 grand? 325 HP is what you can get in Fusion for god’s sake.
It’s also disingenuous. The argument that players deserve play (they do) is independent of whether Tony Bennett deserves a raise (he does).
NP if not for all that garbage.
This. Every piece of it. If you can even vacuum it, I have no faith that you did any needed maintenance on it or really gave a crap about it. The truth is they probably “cleaned” the car for these photos.
CP for all the friggin trash in the photos.
Never understood people who buy cars a lock them in a vault. Yeah, it is nice to keep the car new for as long as possible but I’m not rich enough to have a garage queen. I wash and wax it but the true reward is driving it.
I’d like to see stats on stop sign runners, too. I ride with my son (he’s 7) to school in the mornings, along a pretty remote road to a dedicated bike and walking trail. We’re only share the road with cars for 0.4 miles, and the other day some asshat ran a stop sign - while we were in the intersection. Had we been…
Nice! I can think of a couple I’ve seen around. Do you have any mods? Yours might be the supercharged one I’ve seen a couple of times. I have a red 360 modena, and a white ‘89 AMG Mercedes SEC. I’ve been really bad about shows lately as work has been a killer. If you feel like making the trek up to Fort Collins, once…
This is an incredibly well thought out analysis. Really the only difference is that my dad doesn’t throw pillows at the TV when Alfa commercials come on.
It should be called The Cleveland Steamer
It doesn’t look any more stupid than any adult* wearing a pro-sports jersey. (*any adult who doesn’t play for the team and is actively involved in playing a game at that moment)
They should have just painted the car brown.
Nice! I like this guy:)
Hell yes!!!
I’m fortunate enough to own some cool cars. What’s the point of owning cool shit if you can’t share it with friends and family? One of the first things I do when I get a new car is let my car-enthusiast friends know so that they can come over and take the car for a spin. Whenever I’m not using one of my…