My distaste in the service’s launch is pretty immeasurable. I have this image saved on my phone so I continue to remember that I’m not paying for a product.
My distaste in the service’s launch is pretty immeasurable. I have this image saved on my phone so I continue to remember that I’m not paying for a product.
Eh, I don’t see it as a huge deal, any USB port (including the one on the back of your TV) should run it.
Eh, I don’t see it as a huge deal, any USB port (including the one on the back of your TV) should run it.
Who hurt you???
And was told he hated gay people for it. Toxic fandom at it’s worst, right?
A genuine second hand one doesn’t have HDMI output.
The trailer does not answer the most important question: does it have the boot sound??
They pretty much have to be working with Konami on this because no way in hell is anyone buying this for $100 without MGS, SotN, OR Silent Hill.
The Dualshock is pretty much the advent of the modern controller.
“Annoyingly, like the SNES Classic, the PlayStation Classic won’t include an AC adaptor, with the only power option being a bundled USB cable.”
OG, OG, but it eventually did and was used in later titles.
Its 20$ more than the SNES classic. It’s also a generation later.
You are kidding yourself if the N64 classic won’t be the same price or more when its eventually announced.
This fucker better have Alundra, Xenogears and Castlevania Symphony of the Night on it!
It would be great if MGS would be one of the included titles.
Are those braille uniforms? They can’t be braille uniforms, right? That’s such an adorably well-meaning but utterly stupid idea.
I feel like the IP owner does kind of get to decide the canon in regards to their IP.
Those braille jerseys are fucking awesome.
I mean to be fair to Dino Crisis they had their “IN SPACE!” entry so there’s nowhere to take the series except for for the hood, then back 2 da hood, then finally a origins entry.
Let me see if I can translate this statement...
I’d say DR3 was the peak of the series. DR1 was a neat idea that needed polish in a lot of places it didn’t get it. DR2 got rid of the camera and improved gunplay and added crafting, which helped a lot, but the crafting was gated at places I had trouble finding consistently, and otherwise it never quite grabbed me.…
Sad news. As silly as they were, I loved all of these games. Goodbye Willamette. We had fun. You won’t see me crying because I’m wearing an oversized Blanca mask spitting electricity while riding a golf cart of doom.