I never got round to Downton Abbey, but I’ll be giving The Guilded Age a try purely for Carrie Coon.
I never got round to Downton Abbey, but I’ll be giving The Guilded Age a try purely for Carrie Coon.
Fuck off TERF.
I think what was meant by that is none of her clips add to the discussion within the special, they basically just repeat the same sentiment someone else said during filming, rather than the notion any discussion around transphobia would be included.
I think even Paul Williams (TM NZ’s Alex Horne) has admitted the small pool of New Zealand comedians will limit the run of their series.
Yes, gladly.
I have little to no Spanish speaking ability but it seemed to me that every important line was immediately repeated in English anyway.
Personally I like to zoom the page on AV Club articles (and most other sites) to the width of the embedded images, the slideshow format resets this with every page and is pretty annoying. Instead I shrink the window until the article shows as a single list, but I’d rather slideshow articles were just a list in the…
Not a chance, Batman doesn’t have the same family appeal as Spider-Man and the requirement to see the film opening weekend to avoid spoilers won’t be as heavy for The Batman.
They were really dealt a bum hand with casting Elgort against the 17 year old Zegler, but we’re 2-3 years removed from that decision so surely they could have done something to distance him from the promotional tour at the very least.
Rachel Zegler is magnificent, although it may help that the majority of her scenes are paired with Elgort. It would be a triumph of opposite proportions if she didn’t fare well compared to his Tony.
Season 5 was a surprising return to form, but yeah other than that it could be a pretty awful show.
In fairness, Kate is surprised by all the swords being used as decorations when she comes home in the first episode. Her mothers response that Jack is responsible for the changes in decor (tied in with his fencing proficiency) definitely links the items to him rather than her.
That answers the question properly, but I do love the single panel ‘Because... Boomerangs.’ response that Clint gives at the time.
I’m surprised Season 12's ‘Hero or Hate Crime’ didn’t take a slot in this list.
I hope Kinja let’s me upload this photo, because it is probably the best use of a blue check and a hell of a way to get your account temporarily suspended.
The closing tag has a character say that they regret not voting for the Green party, so I doubt subtlety was ever intended.
Filming wrapped pre-pandemic but COVID delayed reshoots, which couldn’t be completed until September 2020 after the UK came out of lockdown, which I guess was too soon to complete post-production and begin marketing the film for a Christmas release. If they weren’t getting it out for December 2020 I don’t think…
I dunno, they’re pretty explicitly saying this is Trump without actually saying it, so I’m not sure that scene was intended to represent any kind of systematic toxicity within the company.
Kendall going on the show despite the letter released by Shiv would definitely have been the right move, all he would have had to do was dance around it by saying that he was blindsided that his sister would publicly release such information, that he is hurt that she would do such a thing, but he has an easy…
I’m sure RyanAir proposed making journey’s seatless, or at least basically just having all travellers squat in a tiny row in order to pack more passengers on.