WVU tested and kept getting failures... taking the info to VW... VW said something is wrong with your test procedure. But WVU kept at it... and eventually VW had to admit fault. We should really praise WVU for this!
WVU tested and kept getting failures... taking the info to VW... VW said something is wrong with your test procedure. But WVU kept at it... and eventually VW had to admit fault. We should really praise WVU for this!
Same here. I’ve never seen this (that I know of). I guess we travel in different circles than most. This actually makes me feel good!
50 mSv per YEAR is the limit in US for radiation workers. I call BS! If this guy had a significant increase in cancer risk due to 16 mSv exposure, US workers would be dropping like flies after a decade or more of exposure (yes, I realize workers receive far LESS than 50 mSv/yr... but my point stands).