What happens to all these decorations? Are they stored forever as sacred patriotic objects? Reused (not likely)? Or thrown out? Does the government have storage rooms full of this crap?
What happens to all these decorations? Are they stored forever as sacred patriotic objects? Reused (not likely)? Or thrown out? Does the government have storage rooms full of this crap?
He is just so weird.
Bimbo Bakeries. Unbelievable.
Gluttonous consumption still going on among many in the business class. I’ve been at professional dinners where people ordered (and ate) 32 oz. steaks.
Another female athlete whose mental and physical health harmed by these abusive coaches and these so-called elite programs. Shut them all down, actually find out what has been going on, and rebuild so this cannot happen again.
I agree. The main issue is that she had relationships with subordinates. Thats a cause for resignation.
Agree 100%. Anyone interested in real, and super fast, Italian cooking should seek the cookbooks written by Margaret and G. Franco Romagnoli. A revelation in taste and simplicity. I once was privileged to eat at a dinner designed and cooked by Franco. Heaven.
Just a bit of context regarding your comparison to Laurie Colwin. She is not of the 2010s. Colwin died in 1992. More Home Cooking was published after her death. Colwin is one of the all time great food writers and a great short story writer. I highly recommend her Gourmet columns , well frankly, I recommend everything…
I’d love to see their actual finances. Mostly everything - homes, furniture, mad mirrors, autos - is leased/mortgaged through their companies . Certainly, their many many things - clothes, handbags, shoes, makeup, autos, etc. - are corporate tax deductions or freebies.
Really rookie move by the Carters and their legal team. Should have figured out name(s), looked into availability, and trademarked possibilities BEFORE kid(s) born. Trademark 101.
Same here. Loved swimming, hated the suit. How hard is it to offer a range of styles? Or make everyone wear the legged tech suits.
Setting her up to run for VP in 2020 and Prez in 2024.
This rationale for her behavior perplexed and disturbed me, especially as it was provided by her husband. It leads one to wonder -beyond this situation, what in her behavior towards her family and children is he basing this excuse on? And, what is his role in permitting ongoing unethical behavior in support of their…
Why is anyone giving her attention and money? Just go away.
Elizabeth Warren is warm, kind, charismatic, strong, and wicked “smaht” (yes I am from Boston). Everything you want in a president. But the right and a good part of the left will continue to repeat faux criticisms about her demeanor and her abilities. The result - an elderly white man president.
Muesli typically does not have either dried bananas or chocolate chips. Granola often has one or both. Bob’s Red Mill muesli is banana (and chip) free and readily available. You could add your own dark chocolate chips. Muesli is easy to make.
Fully agree. Pastel rainbow fringed jacket , the rainbow sneakers, and rainbow shorts. Who would sign off on this horror?
Love the phrase “meager illusion of grace,” but don’t see it in IT’s despicable tweet. Under the cover of “thoughts and prayers,” she very intentionally merged numerous horrible gun incidents into one. I see only the usual deception, deviousness, and outright lies.
The irony is that you cannot deduct your $100 special bouquet from your income taxes as a business expense. And they very likely can. If the whole thing wasn’t free because “rich people.”
I’m just wondering how big his golden parachute is.