The Kardashian brand of extravagant, over-the-top consumption is indeed exceptionally unaware and feeling very dated, especially as they push it with these displays.
The Kardashian brand of extravagant, over-the-top consumption is indeed exceptionally unaware and feeling very dated, especially as they push it with these displays.
The whole scene is ugly and depressing. Such empty lives. Reminds me of Melania’s red christmas tree walk of horror.
She will emerge from all of this just fine, unlike the rest of us who will be picking up the litter left after democracy is trashed. Note this quote from George H.W. Bush adviser Doug Wead in the same article:
Not to mention they are owned by LBrands - whose CEO is Les Wexner.
Same. Haven’t shopped at VC in several years, but at one point it was my go-to. And same for so many women. We just wanted nice underwear.
I’m sickened that my purchases from VS funded this horror.
But she’s such a sweet “young” woman, and that hair, the walk - of course she gets a pass.
This whole thing is so bad...everyone just said whatever and showed up in whatever.
CNN is dead to me.
Exactly. DVF dress is amazing. More of those. Less wrap.
Elizabeth and Kamala are two great reasons to leave Bernie - as I just explained to the Bernie supporter who called looking for $.
Hostile, sinister, malicious. They know and don’t care.
Sitting on a Boston bus just trying to get home. And my period arrives. Had a huge bleed. Wearing lightish pants. Left a huge stain on the cloth seat and had to walk out with a huge stain on my rear end.
This must be a law only for members of the US Congress. I was an elected public official - City Councilor in a medium-sized city for 3 terms (left a couple of years ago to do more interesting things with my life). My personal information- home address, phone number(s), etc.- all completely public. Why do these guys…
I am glad this study came out. It will not change Kavanaugh joining SCOTUS. But it explains my health - before workplace sexual assault, no health issues, low BP; after, high BP, depression, anxiety. Thankfully I have gotten help for these issues over the years, but they have never gone away. Kavanaugh hearings…
Same here - high school. Even reading this story has brought on flashbacks.
I participated in similar 6 month study at Tufts -also sponsored by Hass- to see if eating avocados could improve memory. They gave me avocados, avocado ice cream, avocado soup (all free). But only made it through about 3 months of the study. Eating an avocado a day (in any form) became repulsive. Now I can’t eat…