
Love TV! Stay away from the E channel, awards shows, and the like. Radio is mostly a sea of crap though I listen to some stations that somehow avoid playing the Biebers and Perrys and the Kardashians out there. Occasionally subjected to feces like that guy Pitbull doing beer commercials during football games. So yes,

I agree with you. That said, I don't know who this putz is but I would like to see his head get ripped off in a cage match versus Richard Sherman.

No, but I do stay away from gay clubs, suburban malls and tween slumber parties.

I'm a sad bastard.

I think she is referring to Wayne Gretzky

Major League Yabbos

She's good looking and I have never heard any of her songs. True story.

All these white dudes…what did they do with all the Black Russians?

You know "Games Without Frontiers" translated in French means "She's So Popular".

Remember when you were with the Beatles and you were supposed to be
dead, and there were all these clues, like you play some song backwards
and it'd say, like "Paul is Dead" and everybody thought you were dead
and, um, that was a hoax right?

You know HBO employees?

He was a doof, glad they wasted him.

Does Liam have vocal chords?

Reminds me of this scene:

Fuck those homos. I don't buy that a working class adult in Chicago doesn't know who The Fridge was.

Taking a wild guess…you wouldn't happen to be…A GAY?

Montclair State University offers the course, How to Watch Television. Something I became quite adept at as a toddler.

Is that a Helen Keller joke?

Best line by Lloyd:

Sophia Loren's villa is lovely! I ought to know or my real name isn't Marcello Mastroianni. Carlo Ponti was a pig.