
The best thing about that movie was learning that Jimmy Page sounded like Nigel Tufnel of Spinal Tap.

Yes, Phil is, but it could be the kidney stones.

That explains it.  He looks and sounds like he's passing white hot, jagged meteorites each time he performs.

You like Coldplay.


Adam should have won (but Kris is a good guy).

Hollie is a goddess and the only singer remaining worth watching.  I expect her to  get the boot next week leaving the worst top 3 in Idol history.  When Phil wins he will replace Taylor Hicks as worst Idol winner, even though he's a better singer than Mr. Coldplay.

None taken tooth decay.  When I think of sophistication my mind takes me to the city of Leeds.

Well aren't you precious?

Oh, Skylar shoots critters, that explains why she is just plain bad.

Ich will dich ficken, Fraulein Perry.

To paraphrase the great ex-Chicago Cub manager Lee Elia, April 29, 1983:
"They're really, really behind you around here… my
fuckin' ass. What the fuck am I supposed to do, go out there and let my fuckin'
players get destroyed every day and be quiet about it? For the fuckin'
nickel-dime people who turn up? The

In Claire's defense, she is writing a review of the most popular personalities on a reality tv show.  The music is incidental.  Oh, and also, fuck off.

Like so many expressions, it was originally a nautical term.

Maximillian, is that you?

More to the point, why are Joshua and Phil grossly over praised every week?

He didn't?

Hollie's charisma is intoxicating.  I dream of sharing a melange  & Sachertorte with her on a lovely Viennese spring  day.

Freddie Mecury's fat Sri Lankan nanny turned him gay.

Klaus Voormann and I caught Jimi performing Bold as Love in Amsterdam in '67.  I thought everyone knew this song.  Elise did a very good version.