
Pia didn't win Idol season whatever back in the late 80's because she was a robot who couldn't sing and she's Italian. If she was white she would have won easily.

I liked the sexual chemistry by imagining Joshua out of the picture myself inserted between the two girls. Add both these girls ages together and they are old enough to be my adult daughter.  That's not weird is it?

Lee was the best American Idol and the best damn paint salesman I ever met.

For the first time I thought all the solos were pretty okay last night, even Phillip and Elise…but not on their terrible duet.

Megan isn't hot.  Now Betty, Joan and Sally, their hot!

Speck's mug was like a bucket of worms.  I was scared shit when I heard Fahey Flynn on local Chicago news report the murders that night while my parents were out and my 10 year old big brother was the man of the house for the evening.

Ain't it the truth.  He'll rip most of these shlups a new one if he's on tonight.

Yes, Elise is repulsive and though I normally agree with Claire, her bundle of joy (congrats!) and the hormones that wreak havoc with that, are clearly messing with her judgment.  Elise is simply just not very good.  Skylar was the best last night and volumes better than that runner up country girl last year.

They did this groovy Rice Krispies ad:

Fat Betty is 187 times better than any Peggy.

I want to lick Hollie from head to toe. Oh, God, that could have sounded creepy.  Is she over 14?

When Elise sang "gonna give you every inch of my love" I was scared to death that she was going to unzip her fly and whip it out.

80's night next week!  I can't wait to hear Elise bark out "Walk Like an Egyptian".


Let it rest, no one has ever done anything original on Idol except HeeJun and his mildly amusing Asian guy shtick.

"This was one of the best Idol performance shows ever."

Colton should pray to Jesus to remove that groundhog from the top of his head.

Elise looks and sounds like the typical biker pig chicks who took the stage weekly at The Penny Road Pub in South Barrington, IL (or a thousand other venues)  thoughout the 90's.

Is your girlfriend a Brazilian with wax?

David, Lee and Scotty are awesome, Phil is not. Arrangements  are being made to have him crushed by a Focus in an upcoming AI Ford commercial.