bee beecroft

Pudgy fuck with a Beatles haircut.

What a horrible fucking existence.


How brave to be yet another motherfucker to pile on Pastor.

Fat people should not be allowed to wear the sacred driving suit.

It was as is.

Why the assholes lunging at these beautiful beasts?

His made-up style of speaking will own him.

Mate. We've interacted before.


Yes, it looks big. But shrink the weight by almost half, use LMP1 aerodynamics, optimise the CG and the Polar Moment, and voila.

The fuckers tormenting this pup could've turned the frisbee over but nooooooo. Expect them to torment, film, and distribute this shit til we KNOW WHO THEY ARE.

If you do Indy; dominate!

Pilatus is not exactly known for following accepted protocols.

Structural member. Not Aesthetics.

Silas from Da Vinci code

Didst thou really think this glorified skateboard was a "get-out-of-town" Vehicle?

Gimme a fucking break. Nobody that age should have cottage cheese on the front of their thighs.

Ok. Shit. Where to start?