
I used to own a custard stand and make my own custard. Custard is different than ice cream in many ways, but my experience in making both is that air is a critical component to texture and taste, even in premium ice creams. Now, it does not surprise me that the big producers of ice cream are shaving cost by putting in

Having looked at a bit more on the topic, it seems that the FDA has drug its feet on approving competing products from other vendors. This unfortunately does go back to “regulation” being the problem. I grant that there is a need for the general good for there to be oversight on the industry and a gate keeper with

Once we get done with the internet/cable TV companies, can we move on to:

i think the writer’s point is that there is a lara croft out there that exists - in the older games. the lara croft in tomb raider underworld encountered a lot of scary, serious shit, but she was still able to make witty, if not hilarious observations from time to time.

I want a female Indiana Jones, not a female Nathan Drake. Despite all of Uncharted’s shortcomings, at least Drake has more than one emotion.

I did and I got bored.

Dude. Take a break. It’s Labor Day.

He would need to check with Nestle to make sure there isn’t a candy bar in development with that protected name.

This situation is so bad that Zuckerberg almost had an emotion...

Yeah, speaking as a person who always comes up with the great comeback about two hours post-incident, I would like some of those skills, please.

Try using it in a GearVR. My Note 5 gets pretty warm.

I firmly maintain that Rainbow Six 3 and it’s semi-sequel/expansion pack for the OG Xbox were the peak of the series. Perfect blend of high tension team play, lots of DLC and patch support, and a robust community stemming from a relative lack of options to play. (Granted there were several notable hacks/glitches, but

Couldn’t agree more. My wife talked me out of attending a for-profit “school” and to just go the entire route starting with community college. I am so grateful for that. I’ve actually learned rather than memorized, and even actually come to appreciate Math. Which is my worst subject. The extra time to actually develop

I went to university, flunked out, then went to CC for a looong time. I found that the same classes I took at University were offered at CC, they count exactly the same as university-level credit, cost far less, and were lots EASIER to get through. I probably learned more. All those BS classes they make you take the

That’s super kind of you to say. Kotaku has such amazing writers that I’m constantly inspired by. I like my job in the industry, but it’s a real honor to get to share my thoughts and to meet awesome readers like you. Thank you again! =)

thank you!

I thought that was Commander Keen...

Ha, I don’t want be too critical on a unrendered image but yeah that looks like a generic “super kid” an artist drew as art for the back of a cereal box.