Just had to delay this one too, didn’t you Jason?
Just had to delay this one too, didn’t you Jason?
I am for sure salty about it.
Yep, this whole thing upsets me. I loved the original Prey, and I really wanted to see what happened after Tommy stepped through that portal.
Boot is generic term for a soldier- think boot camp. So the phrase boots on the ground isn’t really that complicated.
Not to be that person, but most of the definitions people have provided you for neo-liberal are wrong. Neo-liberalism is a resurgence of laissez-fair economics, or a belief that the free market solves all. When someone is called a Neoliberal, you can bet that they are spouting off talking points that would make Regan…
Neo-liberal is basically the British term for neo-conservative.
I agree with shelwood on the definition of “neo-liberal.” It’s someone (older) who realizes that not everything is perfect or “consequence free,” that sometimes OUR government has to do things that are not nice (killing terrorists or enemy combatants) before they kill us, or that we can’t get everything we want from a…
Nope, it’s them pulling words out their ass and putting them into things resembling sentences. Facts don’t get in their way, why would words?
Why does this television only get one channel?
I’m not saying Trump isn’t racist! I’m just saying it’s a sad time in history now that racism is generally considered a bad thing.
Wait, is that from the first episode?? My brain hurts
He punked Jeb. But, yeah. It was basically picking a fight with the small, cognitively disabled kid in class.
Kickstarter has proved a great place to stretch your investigative journalism skills. I love these articles. I mean it sucks for the people who invested, but you could probably make a book about Kickstarter failed projects and scams.
Fair. And she already has several Pooh bears she loves. I guess I’m more monitoring the content, so, no Cinderella, Little Mermaid, etc, but, like, Mulan is fine- she’s in it to save China! And Lion King- that’s Hamlet! All Pixar is a big yes too.
That’s what I’m planning to do. She’s obviously a bit young for it now, but I want to really do my best to help her understand why those things aren’t welcome at our house. That said, Barbie is fine; that bitch has a JOB!
That’s my plan for my kid too; we run a Disney/princess-free house. I suspect this will get harder the older she is; at a year and a half, her friends aren’t exactly talking up Ariel or whatever yet. That said, I plan to stick with it. It does kind of bum me out sometimes, in that I loved stuff like Little Mermaid,…
Of course he’s full of shit, every single thing he says is a stupid lie. He’ll never debate Clinton in any kind of real neutral setting, he’ll only do it if he can arrange for a moronic circus scene full of screeching idiots who roar over his spastic twitching and dopey insults. He’s a grade-A coward, a sleazy punk, a…