
Check out the cover to a SNES game called “Phalanx”. It’s a space shooter, but the cover shows some old stereotypical, bearded hillbilly on his shack’s porch, playing a banjo, with a shooting star streaking across the night sky, way in the background. (When playing shooters now, you’ll probably be thinking of the

First he gets them drunk in Tijuana...

I want to see grown hairy men fuck. I am not nobody, thanks.

Also, in 2000 (nearly a half a century after a landmark study established the link between cigarettes and lung cancer), he wrote: “Time for a quick reality check. Despite the hysteria from the political class and the media, smoking doesn’t kill.” He has repeatedly slashed smoking cessation programs and takes money

cach dem all ash. peekadoo

Some may call people who crack consoles and DRM pirates but for me, these guys are heroes. It is a truly noble to ensure that these works stand the test of time and can be played free of their original hardware.

He did. They knocked him out while he was gathering moon rockies.

I wonder if the first man on the moon, Apollo Creed got any of these jokes.

Is your company hiring?

Yammer is a website/communication tool/"social network" that Microsoft bought four years ago. Some people swear is a great team communication tool, personally I think it's a shade better than useless.

and this.

Dragons Dogma next pls, thx.

From my perspective (and I only play fighting games casually these days; I was much more into them around the time of Tekken/Tekken 2, which dropped in the latter half of my high school days), characters like Kuma/Jack absolutely belong in each and every Tekken title.

Part of what distinguishes one, “press down, down

“’s still interesting seeing such a big company test the waters in appealing directly to the “cosplayer looking for new, compact Japanese car” market.”

They were all hiding out in Joe’s Apartment.

Oh my god... That new dragon looks like...

Honestly I never hated the Duke controller and I think I have slightly small hands (not Trump-level, but still small). It was weirdly comfortable considering its size. Though, that’s not to say that the S controller wasn’t better in pretty much every way.

Man, the iPhone would have been so much better with 1/4 inch wide solar cells and a diskette drive.

Not entirely