
Ehhh. Warm air holds more moisture. Look at any dew point / relative humidity / etc. calculation. It's that warm air (holding moisture) that collides with cold air, is pushed up further, and then cools down and condenses that makes snow. Learn something.

It depends upon what your shopping for. If its a name brand electronic or something, it's easy ... but I've found it difficult if it's something more homemade, or if it has too many weird Chinese knockoffs. Like just yesterday I was trying to get a replacement charger for my partner's 3ds. I bought the 3ds on amazon

If you read how this is done, they repeat the light pulse many, many times and construct more of the video on each pass. You can't distruct or move an object or the technique wouldn't work ... and you'd be left with a more normal high frame-rate camera.

Sure ... let's outlaw seatbelts too. They encourage car driving and lead to more car crashes ... or something.

I like Siri. It's not perfect, and perhaps they are advertising it too much (they advertise what it does do though), but I think it works well. Well enough to use at least, which is a first in my book for voice activated anything.

Younger kids should probably have some kind of introduction to basic calculus earlier on. Even DE is not far from addition and other fundamental concepts compared to truly interesting and useful math.

If you don't see the nop nop and think shellcode, then this test isn't for you.

This may come to fruition at some point, but the legal problems are probably the biggest issue. Anyone who runs this would be stealing a service from Apple, and a theft that actually affects their bandwidth / processing loads (unlike how transparent stealing cable used to be).

No. Nobody "Has" to troll ...

How common is this really? I have not seen any battery issues with my 4S, nor have anyone else I talked to. And even if it's widespread, I don't know if I need near-daily coverage on it just because it's an Apple product.

I haven't seen any problems with my 4S after the update, and I didn't before then either.

Scary! Wind speeds near the ground are too unpredictable for my tastes. If it slowed down too fast, that plane would drop like a rock.

These newest "warnings" are a bit overkill. Everyone knows that smoking is bad for you and packs already have clear warnings on them. Until tobacco is illegal, I think the government probably IS overstepping their bounds a bit with this. Unless the marketers are blatantly lying to the public, let them do what they

Sure, just like car crashes are "mother nature's" punishment for travel ... or food poisoning the punishment for eating ... or ........

Always got lame little attacks from Japan on my servers. Granted that was 5-6 years ago, but virtually all of it was from Japan.