
Is anyone else disappointed that Arrival didn’t get nominated for screenplay? I went out and read the short story after the movie because I loved the movie so much, and I thought it was adapted to a screenplay so well.

I had to wait until the end of the day to watch it because I knew I just couldn’t watch it at work. When I finally watched it, I was crying by the end. Inspiring but also incredibly sad.

While these memes are definitely making me smile and chuckle, I’m simultaneously feeling a knot form in my throat. I want to cry at the thought of who’s leaving and what is coming in the replace them. 

While I'll probably watch this movie, I suspect Ever After will remain my preferred live action Cinderella.

Buffy is my favorite show. I was hoping he'd been in it. Bam! # 2 on the list.

You're kidding! Do these people even know what logic is? Sorry you had to deal with the opinion of people who I'm sure had no business having a point of view about what you did or did not get as a baby. Ugh, it happens too often.

ha, I was fed a similar thing as a baby. Glad to see I'm not the only one. I was given rice water with carnation milk, and I turned out just fine. I wouldn't give it to my baby if I ever have one, but I'm also not going to criticize my mom for doing something she thought was good for me.

This is one of the things I love about Oldamn. I've had that happen to me too, and then I think "Gary Oldman is the fucking man!" Plus, he's sexy.

He looks pretty hot always! ;)

Roberty Downey Jr. My not so secret husband since I was about 9 (I am now 30 years old).

I just can't when it comes to grandpas, and now this chap is crying. Excuse me while I crawl back into bed and cry all day.

Haha. Yes he did and it was great.

Gave up on HBOGO and just watched West Coast time. Just finished watching the finale. AMAZING! Must watch all over again, right now.

He's doing a great job on the show.

Lol, potato human.

Forget the oscars. Did anyone watch true detective?!!!!

Lolz, and this is where I stop reading the comments.

I too unashamedly like and sing along to this song (the original and, well, now this one). Love Britney, don't care.

This was brought up yesterday by my (somewhat) father-in-law. He mentioned that the alleged assault victim was going to file a civil lawsuit, and somehow after reminding us (my boyfriend and I) that Winston claimed it was consensual proceeded to call the young lady a slut. I literally lost my appetite as we were