
I dunno if its because its trying to be too many genres of music into one shitty song or what!?

This kid is clearly in the pocket of Big Pancake.

Halfway through the first book I was all “Ugghhh I’ll finish this one but not read the others” and then... immediately downloaded the second and third books after finishing the first. It isn’t the style of my usual guilty-pleasure read of choice but apparently it hit the spot.

The first book isn’t exactly literature but it’s a really good book to read by the pool.

THE FOOD. No joke, it’s a good think I have it on kindle, because I’m googling recipes every five seconds. 

Yeah, it really isn’t, I’m sad to say. I still hope it does well and we get more diverse films, because the idea is cool, just doesn’t appeal to me personally. 

I can understand if she was six when she thought he was a pancake maker. I made up professions when people asked what my parents did when I was in first grade, head of corporate audit selection means nothing to someone who is six or seven

pretty sure Kim Kardashian is gonna be president I’m sorry to inform 

Now playing

She is also not quite sure if her grandfather is actually Spartacus. She’s pretty sure, but ... 

I read them a few months ago and they were so much fun to read. It was kind of like reading an adult version of Gossip Girl, set in a different place. And the descriptions of the food made me so hungry...

Having read the books, Crazy Rich Asians is essentially an adult version of Gossip Girl. I’m not saying that disparage the series or the movie, because  sometimes you just need to read and watch something light and fun, but if Gossip Girl-esque media is not your cup of tea, then you wouldn’t enjoy it. 

Correction from Constance Wu herself:

speaking of people we don’t have time for, links to stories about 69696x96x96x96x on the jezebel banner will NOT go away for some reason.

I love Constance Wu, but nothing about the plot of this movie appeals to me. It just seems really trite, I’m sorry. I don’t really want to watch a bunch of super rich beautiful people being catty and/or in love. But, I did love Joy Luck Club, both the movie and the book. I would totally watch a remake of that with

new materials that will serve as a model for the footwear industry.

Is anyone else reading the books in prep for the movie? I just burned through the first two.

Nice to see that people are finally catching up to us rational people who didn’t have time for Kim Kardashian 10+ years ago.

Based on the trailer alone, CRA actually has substantive characters who have realistic flaws and struggles. There’s no evidence that the female lead’s hesitance or rejection is something the male lead is going to overcome in scary and stalky ways. In the book, the female lead has a life outside her relationship too.

She is an amazing actress and absolutely stunning. I am so happy for her and the rest of the cast. My best friend is Asian and we have often talked about the lack of Asian presence in film and television. I saw a commercial for CRA recently and immediately texted her...her whole family are going to see it together. I