
He said many times that he did not value money the way that other celebrities did. He came down HARD on Paula Deen for taking money to be the spokesperson for a diabetes drug and basically said “how much fucking money do you need?”

i wanna be a tipsy outsider when i grow up.

Hopefully cancer has left the Elvis.

I’ll never not miss Kara when it comes to these - we need a Shade Court ruling on that Page Six Tiffany Trump bit! I think shaaaaaaade.

The hell you say! I thought for sure he’d turn over a new leaf after the other half-a-dozen arrests for the same damn thing...

It’s easy to deny your racism, when there are so few people of color to call you out on it.

Maybe when the assholes start calling the cops on a white kids lemonade stand or a white family bbq or a white candidate out canvassing her constituents 

All I care about is that Bobby’s still here.  Amen.

So, that essentially creates a self-fulfilling prophecy. Productions won’t hire minority actors because pretty much all of them aren’t A-list. Minority actors can’t become A-list because A-list productions won’t hire them. Rinse and repeat.

The rings are okay. Posing like a jewelry model to show them off unless you’re actually shooting an ad now, that, is gaaauuudy.

Terry Crews is such a fucking treasure. I would say that it's appalling that men as old as 50 Cent and Russell Simmons are still acting like 12 year old boys in P.E. but it's not appalling at all. What sad pieces of shit they must be. 

It’s absurd that Dwayne Elizonda Mountain Dew Herbert Comacho is infinitely more qualified for politics compared to the ass chuckles who control the government now.

“Secret Fetish for Brown and Brown-Adjacent Women we do not publicly support or recognize as being worthy” is a looong ass title. :(

Just, FYI, 7.7 pounds is average, so 8 pounds isn’t a huge baby at all. Women regularly have 9-10 lb babies. 

I’m pleased to see that Antoni is just as annoying in real life as I find him on the show. Jonathan shutting him down about the Colorado cake Baker was perfect. 

The fact that they toss out around the word “groupthink” so freely while ensconced in a secret, private listserv where they happily jerk each other off about how great they are is pretty much the epitome of the problem.

“When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried Ariana Grande.”

What are the odds that this woman would gush over white kids selling lemonade.

“He’s definitely the kind of guy who overuses the word ‘awesome’ to describe Jesus,” Stassa Edwards added.